CoreMark® score

The table and chart presents the CoreMark® performance benchmark scores for various ESP32 models (such as general ESP32, S2, S3, C3, C4), providing insights into their one or two cores performance. The higher values are better. The data is based on the official datasheets of these chips.

ESP32 ESP32-S2 ESP32-S3 ESP32-C3 ESP32-C6
One core (160 Mhz) 407.22 464.36
One core (240 Mhz) 504.85 472.73 613.86
Two cores (240 Mhz) 994.26 1181.60

ESP32_ESP32-S2_ESP32-S3_ESP32-C3_ESP32-C6 coremark

CoreMark® per MHz

The following tables presents CoreMark® per MHz. The higher values are better.

ESP32 ESP32 S2 ESP32 S3 ESP32 C3 ESP32 C6
One core (160 Mhz) 2.55 2.90
One core (240 Mhz) 2.10 1.97 2.56
Two core (240 Mhz) 4.14 4.92

ESP32_ESP32-S2_ESP32-S3_ESP32-C3_ESP32-C6 coremark pre mhz